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五年级英语上册Unit6 My e-friend(Story time)教案

2019年12月03日 11:00:44 访问量:2549





Unit 6 My e-friend Story time教案

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aims:

a. 学生能听、说、读表示国家名词,如:UKUSAustraliaCanadaChina,Greece,PRC等。

b. 学生能用句型 Who’ s your e-friend? How old is he? Can he speak Chinese?

2. Ability aims:


3. Emotion aims


Emphasis and difficult points:

1. 复习巩固四个单元的单词和相应的句型。

2. 更够用所学的句型描述自己及他人的兴趣爱好。

Teaching aids:

PPT, exercise paper, tape recorder

Teaching steps:


(1) Ss enjoy and sing “Friends”.

(2) Listen to the song Where are you from?

2. Presentation

(1) T (shows pictures of different countries’ flags): Look, this is the flag of Australia. And this is a flag of Canada…

(2) T: Do you have an e-friend?

   S: Yes, I do.

T: Where does he/she live in?

S: He/ She lives in….

T: How old is he/ she?

S: He/ She is … years old.

… …

(3) Read the dialogues on Page 58 for 3 minutes.

(4) Each two students in a group to practice the dialogues.

(5) Choose five groups to act their dialogues at the stage.

3. Make sentences

Let students make sentences by using the types: Where does he live? How old is he? What does he like doing? What subjects does he like?


Say with your partner: Describe your e-friend.

Read the dialogue between Liu Tao and Wang Bing for 2 times.

Blackboard design:

My e-friend

Where does he/ she live in?

He/ She lives in….

How old is he/ she?

He/ She is … years old.



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